Tuesday, November 13, 2007'♥
-to be sabbatically dressed - i am just human.-
today, she sits alone in his room. she writes a story of a shared space of a man and woman.
//she -whose dirty laundry is always strewn above his, on the floor.//
//she,whose creams,ointments,eau de toilette innocuously claimed new territories in his stash of comics,toy robots,bulletshells of his military misadventures.//
// her toothbrush ,battered and bruised with loose bristles, now stands,proud and victorious, in the same green mug as his in the bathroom.//
//her lingerie and his CK-s which, now, share the intimacy of their new stranger in the same drawer.//
//perhaps how he secretly deleted photos of expired loves knowing how small and insiginificant they make her feel beneath.//
she is . just human.
for all that he does to allay her fears, do know that, she knows, and she is thankful.
Sunday, November 11, 2007'♥
it's quite repulsive that i am buying so many books. I cant help it when borders is having a 30% off all books, and with the preferred card member's further discount, I REIGN in THIS LITERAL CONSUMMATION. ( simply. i. am. going. bonkbonk.)
yes we bought 10 books yesterday, and coupling with the books i bought earlier on this year, that makes it 25.
so now my handsome bookshelf boasts of titles as follows :
1. white oleander
2. Angela carter's fairy tales
3.Lee's to kill a mockingbird
4.Frans kafka's the metamorphosis and other stories.
5.Milan kundera's the joke
6.War of the worlds.
7. We need to talk about kevin.
8. Lolita
9. The English patient
10.Hemmingway's The old man and the sea.
11.Haruki Murakami's norweigian wood
12. Haruki's Dance Dance Dance
and others.
wtf. i cant remember all the titles. Well, the list isnt going to stop here. Since i still have got MORE discount vouchers to crash and burn.
Now. i just need the time to read some of them.
13 days to exams.
Thursday, November 08, 2007'♥
//0254hr amidst the disquietude.//when it's this child of god lying beside me, asleep ,and beautiful,
and i am looking through the photos of us -
of who we were;
of who we are;
and who we may ever be;
one thing's certain.
It's still his smile that sedates the unnerving.
//the lack thereof.//
it's 0120hr in the morning.
the silence in the air tonight seems chillingly calming.
i have been a bitch lately to everyone.
themom- for not being home always, and giving her the time and attention she deserves.
thebf- for not appreciating all that he does,acceding to all my whims .
ly- for disappearing on her on the phone and sch half the time.
shaoyen- hsi 21stbirthday celebration
theelvinbestie-for disappearing half my life.
andeveryoneelseinmymsn- whom i have been extinct effectively since the brink of time.
i feel empty .
and i am tired of it.
if i have got everything in the world ,
why am i feeling so sad?
Thursday, November 01, 2007'♥
-October rain-
you know, time fleets by so quickly, you really wouldn't realise how long it has really been.
or at least.
how people around you transpose in this spectrum of infiniti.
it's almost like commuters in the train.
you just dont notice the one sitting beside you anymore, that stranger who walked out that door, that stranger who now sits so close,you feel his breath.
Chances are you will never see that same person again.
when that door closes behind him.
when he reaches his destination.
them who used to struck a chord,
them whom i self deprecate for their acceptance,
they just matter no more.
it must be true when they say time heals.
where will these wings take me tomorrow?
it's quite a shame really.
that i am grappling with zits so huge and diseased looking that i think i just fall short of a Halloween monster with a green tail and shiny white teeth .
Not that i am complaining, but it irates the daylights out of me knowing how the distressed body and soul DE-STRESSES itself with bouts of rash attacks that are either 1. itchy or 2. huge red patches of bumps.
Having to describe the state i am in now, i cant help but to feel a little sorry for myself. I suppose, it's one of those days you look into the mirror and start wondering if you can look any more horrendous and start imagining how much worse you will look just , say, 5 years' time.
its really a god bless to still have thechums telling me how beautiful he still thinks i am. every morning.
So much for aging graciously. I say, i am already in my mid life crisis.woe beholds.
Did i mention, that not too long ago,thechums brought me out to a nice expensive dinner buffet at shangri- la. Well, the crux here isnt how good the food is,( which, i will give due credits soon enough),but it is the fact that i vomited 6 times after the dinner? It isnt a case of food poisoning, rather, it's a tragic story of gulping too many cups of water and downing all your food at one go without chewing. Till this moment,I am still feeling bitter that i vomited out my chocolate mango crepe. so. do not. remind me. how good. YOUR CREPE was.
So much for eating graciously. I say, i am a over zealous bulimic putting on the pounds.
well, the exams are here.
i am stressed. (what else is new?)
but nothing beats knowing you have buds like ly who calls you a gazillion times a day, to well, talk and to remind me, that i need the chill pill. hill .kill. cill. bill .mill.fill.gill.jill.sill.till.will.
and yes. thechums.
i cant really count the hours we are together these days.since the hours we are apart are probably the hours we are taking a dump or just. that. random. lecture. or project. meeting.
why and what is it that it's a shame?
i dont know.
sigining off,
with zits and rash to share,
watching : greys.